UAA Promoted Samudram Project is the Receipient of "UN Equator Initiative Award 2010" for Reducing Poverty Through the Conservation & Sustainable use of Biodiversity, Samudram also Conferred with "Godfrey Philips Bravery Award 2011" for Women's Empowerment
   Kappaphycus farming :

  • Kappaphycus alvarezii is an exotic red alga to the Indian habitats
  • Best source of Kappacarrageenan
  • Used extensively in colloid industries like food, pharmaceutical and aqua culture feed.
  • Many new applications are reported recently including the prevention from AIDS
  • The farming of Kappaphcyus is simple and can be taken up by costal village residents
  • Philippine was the first place for farming the commercially important sea weed followed by China and Korea
  • The successful adaptation of Kappahycus farming has increased its production about 100 fold which is almost miracle.
  • Kappaphycus farming can lead remarkable socio-economic prosperity in the countries fishing village communities.
  • Successful Kappaphycus farming at village community level at Rameshwaram Coast Tamilnadu
  • Improvement in living standard and socioeconomic developments of the poor rural village community
  • To prevent Kappaphycus depletion through over exploitation
  • To conserve Kappaphycus by simple farming technologies.
  Increasing income for fish Workers in Orissa :

  • Through market access the Income will be enhance of fish workers family
  • To enhance the Income of 8800 fish workers family of four coastal districts i.e. Ganjam, Puri, Jagatsinghpur and Baleswar.
  • Exposing community leaders to Market dynamics, skill building to face the challenge of market, establishing procurement and processing centers for quality retention to suit the market demand, bringing primary producers to the fold of Samudram, Formation and strengthening cooperative structure to take up commercial activities, skill development for production of value added fisheries products, establish linkage with Government to leverage programs and schemes meant for marine fishers. Empowering community leaders to plan effective business through BDS provider, collection, analyze and disseminate market information on price to check private traders exploitation.
  • Women marine fish workers of Ganjam, Puri, Jagatsinghpur and Baleswar district
  • 46 coastal villages of 21 Gram Panchayats in 8 CD blocks and 2 urban local bodies of 4 districts.
  • Skill and capacity development on group formation and management, Direct market access to regional and local level and making community cooperative trading a viable model. Availing Govt. schemes, Bank linkage to meet credit needs. quality ensuring, production and marketing of value added products, preparation of business plan, reduce the gender discrimination,
  • Streamlined monopoly of private traders and reduced exploitation of private money lenders. Increased income level up to 80% as assessed by a independent agency. Samudram has established its permanent base office in four operating districts. 224 Self Help Groups having 3702 members under the umbrella of Samudram including 31 Nari Shakti Sangha( village level apex body of SHGs) and 4 District Level Federation. More than 25 lakhs savings mobilized during last couple of years.
  Greenpeace Report :

United Artists Association (UAA) and Greenpeace India undertook a social survey in the Gahirmatha region to understand, examine and document perceptions among fisher communities on supplementary income generation schemes as well as their attitudes relating to fisheries management and marine conservation measures. The recommendations of this study were arrived at through the results of the survey conducted in 15 sample villages in the Gahirmatha region, as well as through Focussed Group Discussions (FGDs) and two public hearings involving the key stakeholders (implementing agencies and communities). Further, a thorough investigation in the form of case studies of supplementary – alternative livelihood options currently prevalent within fisher communities were explored and documented.

A brief report on the perception of fisher communities on Income Generation

  Capacity analysis of Fishers in and around chilika :

Chilika is the largest lagoon along the east coast of India, situated between latitude 190 28’ and 190 54’ N and longitude 850 05’ and 850 38’ E. The lagoon is a unique assemblage of marine, brackish and fresh water eco-system with estuarine characters. It is one of the hotspots of biodiversity and shelters a number of endangered species listed in the IUCN red list of threatened species. It is an avian grandeur and the wintering ground for more than one million migratory birds. The highly productive lagoon eco-system with its rich fishery resources sustains the livelihood of more than 0.15 million-fisher folk who live in and around the Lagoon. The water spread area of the Lagoon varies between 1165 to 906 during the monsoon and summer respectively. A 32 km long, narrow, outer channel connects the lagoon to the Bay of Bengal, near the village Motto, recently a new mouth was opened by CDA with a view to bring a new lease of life to the lagoon.

A brief report on Capacity analysis of fisher in and arround Chilika

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